Dunkin Donuts – Bite or Bike Contest
Dunkin Donuts – Bite or Bike Contest
Get ready to win a Bite or Bike with every pasalubong! You heard that right! Join the promo and get a chance to win prizes ranging from a classic donut to an assortment of bikes!
Follow these mechanics to join:
1. Customer must purchase any of the following bundles to qualify for the promo:
a. Super Barkada Bundle (6 Premium + 12 Classics Assortment) at P399
b. Big Barkada Bundle at P349
c. Munchkins Bucket at P349
d. Big Family at P349
Note: Purchase of one (1) participating bundle entitles the customer to one (1) stub. Only a maximum purchase of two (2) participating bundles per transaction is allowed.
2. Qualified customers will be asked to pick a stub from a bowl. The customer must then peel off the tab to reveal the prize won.
3. Customers may win any of the following prizes:
1 piece Classic Donut
Fusion Rift Steel 26” Bike
Japanese Bike Size 26×1 ⅜
RFENG Size 26 Steel Frame Bike
VMP Size 26 Steel Frame Bike
Moto Velo 26” Steel Bike
Moto Velo 27.5” Aluminum Mountain Bike
XIX 27.5” Bike
Metro Safe Bike
Jackal 27.5” Bike
4. To claim the prize, customers will be required to present and surrender the winning stub together with the Official Receipt (as proof of purchase only). Staff-on-Duty must stamp the receipt once the prize has been issued.
5. Customers may immediately redeem one (1) Classic Donut in any participating outlet.
6. Customers may only redeem a maximum of three (3) Classic Donuts per outlet per day.
7. For claiming of Bike Prizes, you may look for the assigned Store Manager.
8. All winners may still claim their prizes until 60 days after the end of promo period. Prizes not claimed with the redemption period will automatically be forfeited in favor of GDI with prior DTI approval.
9. All expenses incurred by the customer to redeem the prize will not be shouldered by GDI/Franchise outlets.
10. GDI will not replace any lost or stolen prizes. There are no prize substitutions or transfers permitted except at the sole discretion of GDI with prior DTI approval.
11. Only winning stubs with unique and authenticated security numbers shall be honored.
12. All GDI and Franchise employees and their relatives up to second degree of consanguinity or affinity are not eligible to join the promo.
13. Promo is not applicable to purchases via Dunkin’ delivery, all delivery apps, and pabili services.
The promo runs from August 7 – 21, 2021 only.
This promo is not available in the following stores:
DTI Permit No. FTEB-121509 Series of 2021
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