The Metro Stores – Supermarket Crazy Sale: Buy 1, Take 1, Discounts and Special Deals
This coming Friday is just the beginning of something LOADED, BIG, and CRAZY in Metro!
Check out these amazing deals in Metro Supermarket’s Crazy Sale from November 27 to 30! Lots of Buy 1 Take 1, discounts, and special deals await! Barato kaayo dinhi!
Browse before you shop by checking these flyers:
Department Store: https://bit.ly/MetroDepartmentStoreCatalog
Supermarket: https://bit.ly/MetroSupermarketCatalog
We prioritize your safety. Fill up the form for easier access on the biggest storewide sale of Metro: https://bit.ly/CrazySalePriorityPass
#TheMetroStores #BiggestStorewideSaleoftheYear #MetroCrazySale2020
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