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E-Selfie with Lolo and Lola and Win ₱2,000 Worth of SM GCs

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E-Selfie with Lolo and Lola and Win ₱2,000 Worth of SM GCs

#GrandparentsDay2020withSM: Take a Selfie!

👵Call your lolos and lolas to celebrate #GrandparentsDay2020withSM and get a chance to be one of the 3 WINNERS of P2,000 worth of SM GCs! 🎉

Let them know how precious they are by throwing them an online party 🥳 and by getting #FirstDibsAtSM on tech and gadgets for them the next time you #ShopAtSM ❤️💃🏼

Here’s how you can win P2,000 worth of SM GCs:
1. Show us your most creative e-selfie with your grandparents
2. Use the hashtags #GrandparentsDay2020withSM and #FirstDibsAtSM

Promo period is from September 1 – September 13, 2020

We strive to give you a safe malling experience and we need your cooperation. For your safety, please observe our mall guidelines 👉🏼🤗💙Stay safe, #SMSquad!


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