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FREE Installation and Activation of Home FIBR Internet via Cellboy @ PLDT

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PLDT provides only the best online experience for your homes. So what are you waiting for? Apply for PLDT Home Fibr now and receive free installation & activation and save up to ₱3,600.

Get connected with PLDT’s Unli Fibr plans and
get up to 100 Mbps for Unli Fibr Plan 2999,
50 Mbps for Unli Fibr Plan 2399,
25 Mbps for Unli Fibr Plan 1699,
10 Mbps for Unli Fibr Plan 1299,

Visit the link below for application sign-up!

Promo runs from August 14-23, 2020 only.

#CellboyPh #PLDTHomeFibr #SaleAlert


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