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FREE Delivery and a Cheese Pizza for Every Order of ₱799 @ Yellow Cab Pizza

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116439882 3676713785673599 2354917442129117387 o

Enjoy FREE delivery and a FREE 9″ Cheese pizza when you order P799 worth of Yellow Cab products from August 4 to 13, 2020.

Valid only on delivery orders placed via:
🏬 direct to store calls (no SMS orders)
☎️ Metro Manila hotline at 8-789-9999 / 0918-8073591 / 0918-8073590 / 0918-8038306
☎️ Baguio hotline at (074) 442-9999
☎️ Cavite hotline at (046) 416-9999
☎️ Laguna hotline at (049) 502-9999
☎️ Cebu hotline at (032) 254-1111

Visit to check the complete list of open branches and their respective business hours and contact numbers. Cut-off for placing delivery orders varies per store.

All our stores adhere to proper operating guidelines to ensure you get our edge-to-edge pizzas and signature products as safely as possible.


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Disclaimer: All photos and text courtesy of the brand’s social media pages and website unless stated otherwise. Information correct at the time of posting, changes made by the source, brand or service, after the time of posting may impact the accuracy of this information.
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