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Shakey’s – Happy Hour Extended Until December 31

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₱864 ₱1,727 READ MORE
Deal Score0
₱864 ₱1,727 READ MORE

Shakey's - Happy Hour Extended Until December 31

Here’s a happy holiday surprise just for you!

Our HAPPY HOUR promo is EXTENDED until December 31! ​

Grab our Family Meal Deal 2 starting 6PM until closing time and save as much as P863! ​

Family Deal 2 includes 1 large Thin Crust pizza, choice of Skiletti or Carbonara Supreme Platter, Buddy Pack (5pcs) Chicken ‘N’ Mojos and a pitcher of our House Blend Iced Tea for only P864 for DINE-IN and P964 for CARRYOUT! ​

PLUS, SuperCard holders get FREE 5pcs Mozzarella Cheese Sticks. ​

Head over to the nearest Shakey’s store now! ​

For more info, check​

DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-107540, Series of 2020 ​

*Valid at select stores open until after 6:00pm.​

#ShakeysPH #HappyHour




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