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₱200 Discount on Sabbat X12 Pro with Voucher Code @ Sabbat Philippines

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₱2190 ₱2390 READ MORE
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₱2190 ₱2390 READ MORE
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₱200 Discount on Sabbat X12 Pro! It’s time to Upgrade your style with these awesome True Wireless earbuds. Amazing design and audio quality, light-weight and long-lasting (1 yr warranty).

Get ₱200 off with Voucher Code (Click Reveal Coupon)
From ₱2390 to ₱2190

* Same day, cash on delivery (COD) within Metro Manila
* 1 year warranty guaranteed

* Bluetooth 5.0, TWS (True Wireless)
* DSP noise reduction
* Playtime: 6-8 hrs
* IPX5 water resistance rating
* With free protective case!


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